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3 Plane Scout

Sagittal fast FLAIR

Axial FSE PD/T2

Axial fast FLAIR

Axial pre Gd T1

3D t1

Axial post Gd T1

3 Plane Scout

Pre Gd Sagittal T1, Axial and Sagittal FSE PS/T2

Post Contrast axial T1

Post Contrast 3D T1

The utility of MRI metrics to predictor treatment response for other approved therapies has yet to be evaluated. However, despite data demonstrating surrogacy of MRI metrics in clinical trials, the utility of routine MRI evaluation in the clinical setting is unclear and controversial. Follow-up MRI is reasonable for unexpected clinical worsening and in re-assessment for treatment initiation or modification.[35]

Simon JH, Li D, Traboulsee A, et al. Standardized MR imaging protocol for multiple sclerosis: Consortium of MS Centers consensus guidelines. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2006;27:455-461.

Freedman MS, Patry DG, Grand’Maison F, et al. Treatment optimization in multiple sclerosis. Can J Neurol Sci. 2004;31:157-168.

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