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If MRI is Preferred CT cannot be authorized without a statement that MRI is not available, has been done but was notndiagnostic, or that the patient cannot tolerate an MR examination

Abnormal CBC, Sed Rate, etc

Bladder and Bowel dysfunction


Cancer, History of

Immunocompromised state

IV drug use

Major weakness of a limb

Pain increased at rest

Saddle anesthesia

Severe pain, not repsonding to opiates after two days


Unexplained weight loss

Urinary tract infections

1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for at least three weeks (Requirement is waived if NSAIDS are not tolerated or contraindicated, or if condition worsens while under treatment.)

2. Activity modification or physical therapy if appropriate

1.1 Bladder dysfunction MRI is preferred unless contraindicated

1.2 Bowel incontinence MRI is preferred unless contraindicated

1.3.1 Radiculopathy or disc disease suspected. Failed conservative management

1.4.1 Myelopathy suspected

1.5.1 Myelopathy suspected

1.6 Loss of bowel or bladder control MRI is preferred unless contraindicated

1.8.1 Failed conservative management

1.8.2 Known malignancy elsewhere RED FLAG

1.10.1 Myelopathy suspected

1.10.2 Radiculopathy or disc disease suspected. Failed conservative management

1.11 Severe pain, not repsonding to opiates or worsening, RED FLAG

1.12.1 Radiculopathy or disc disease suspected. Failed conservative management

1.13.1 Radiculopathy or disc disease suspected. Failed conservative management Atrophy of upper extremity musculature Burning sensations (dysesthesias) Hyporeflexia Numbness, in nerve root distribution Shooting pain, in nerve root distribution Tingling sensations (paresthesias), Weakness, in nerve root distribution Atrophy of upper extremity musculature Burning sensations (dysesthesias) Hyporeflexia Numbness, in nerve root distribution Shooting pain, in nerve root distribution Tingling sensations (paresthesias), Weakness, in nerve root distribution Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery, 8th Edition F. Charles Brunicardi, et al opyright © 2005, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chapter 41. Neurosurgery Michael L. Smith, M. Sean Grady Douglas-Akinwande, Annette C., Rydberg, Jonas, Shah, Mitesh V., Phillips, Michael D., Caldemeyer, Karen S., Lurito, Joseph T., Ying, Jun, Mathews, Vincent P. Accuracy of Contrast-Enhanced MDCT and MRI for Identifying the Severity and Cause of Neural Foraminal Stenosis in Cervical Radiculopathy: A Prospective Study Am. J. Roentgenol. 2010 194: 55-61 Michael T. Modic, Nancy A. Obuchowski, Jeffrey S. Ross, Michael N. Brant-Zawadzki, Paul N. Grooff, Daniel J. Mazanec, and Edward C. Benzel Acute Low Back Pain and Radiculopathy: MR Imaging Findings and Their Prognostic Role and Effect on Outcome Radiology November 2005 237:597-604

2.7 Spinal Stenosis SEE Radiculopathy

2.8 Suspected Fracture

3.1.1 Radiculopathy or disc disease suspected. Failed conservative management

3.2.1 Myelopathy suspected

3.2.2 Radiculopathy or disc disease suspected. Failed conservative management

3.3.1 Radiculopathy or disc disease suspected. Failed conservative management

4.1 Fracture seen or suspected on recent x-ray Interval Follow up Recurrent or worsening symptoms AS Baker, RG Ojemann, MN Swartz, and EP Richardson Spinal epidural abscess; N. Engl. J. Med., Sep 1975; 293: 463 – 468. Davis DP; Wold RM; Patel RJ; Tran AJ; Tokhi RN; Chan TC; Vilke GM The clinical presentation and impact of diagnostic delays on emergency department patients with spinal epidural abscess. J Emerg Med 2004 Apr;26(3):285-91. Darouiche RO; Hamill RJ; Greenberg SB; Weathers SW; Musher DM; Bacterial spinal epidural abscess. Review of 43 cases and literature survey. Medicine (Baltimore) 1992 Nov;71(6):369-85 [abstract] David T Durack, MD, DPhil Daniel J Sexton, MD Epidural abscess UpToDate 15.2 accessed 07/09/07

5.2 Infection or abscess, after treatment

5.3 Management and assessment of spinal injury.

5.4.1 With symptoms attributable to a specific level. Not indicated for asymptomatic patients Adams and Victor’s Neurology > Part 4. Major Categories of Neurologic Disease > Chapter 36. Multiple Sclerosis and Allied Demyelinative Diseases > Multiple Sclerosis > Pathologic Findings > Multiple sclerosis. T2-weighted MRIs demonstrating multiple plaques in the periventricular white matter (left), emanating radially from the corpus callosum (“Dawson fingers”) (middle), and cervical spinal cord (right). The radial orientation and periventricular location of cerebral lesions is typical of the disease.

5.5.1 Interval follow up during and after treatment

5.5.2 Preoperative

5.5.3 Worsening clinical situation Parsonnet Jeffrey, “Chapter 120. Osteomyelitis” (Chapter). Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL, Loscalzo J: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th Edition: Alok Kapoor, Stephanie Page, Michael LaValley, Daniel R. Gale, and David T. Felson Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Diagnosing Foot Osteomyelitis: A Meta-analysis Arch Intern Med, Jan 2007; 167: 125 – 132. J. Herman Kan, Melissa A. Hilmes, Jeffrey E. Martus, Chang Yu, and Marta Hernanz-Schulman Value of MRI After Recent Diagnostic or Surgical Intervention in Children with Suspected Osteomyelitis Am. J. Roentgenol., Nov 2008; 191: 1595 – 1600. Kuo-Chen Lee, Yi-Ting Tsai, Chih-Yuan Lin, and Chien-Sung Tsai Vertebral osteomyelitis combined streptococcal viridans endocarditis Eur. J. Cardiothorac. Surg., Jan 2003; 23: 125. D Allen, S Ng, K Beaton, and D Taussig Sternal osteomyelitis caused by Aspergillus fumigatus in a patient with previously treated Hodgkin’s disease J. Clin. Pathol., Aug 2002; 55: 616 – 618. M Ida, H Watanabe, A Tetsumura, and T Kurabayashi CT findings as a significant predictive factor for the curability of mandibular osteomyelitis: multivariate analysis Dentomaxillofac. Radiol., Mar 2005; 34: 86 – 90. Jyri K. Koort, Tatu J. Mäkinen, Juhani Knuuti, Jari Jalava, and Hannu T. Aro Comparative 18F-FDG PET of Experimental Staphylococcus aureus Osteomyelitis and Normal Bone Healing J. Nucl. Med., Aug 2004; 45: 1406 – 1411. Susan A. Connolly, Leonard P. Connolly, Laura A. Drubach, David Zurakowski, and Diego Jaramillo MRI for Detection of Abscess in Acute Osteomyelitis of the Pelvis in Children Am. J. Roentgenol., Oct 2007; 189: 867 – 872.

5.6 Prior to Surgical Intervention, as a road map for the surgeon

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