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Evaluation of known or clinically suspected Acute or Chronic Pyelonephritis

Unspecified Kidney Infection

Evaluation of renal perfusion and function in the clinical setting of renal insufficiency or failure

Evaluation or renal or urinary tract abnormality due to recent trauma or surgery

Evaluation of reno-vascular hypertension in a patient with any of the following signs or symptoms:

failure to respond to at least 3 antihypertensive medications

accelerated or malignant hypertension

epigastric bruit

impaired renal function after treatment with an ACE inhibitor

progressive renal failure

recurrent pulmonary edema

sudden development of worsening of hypertension

unilateral small kidney discovered with any clinical study.

Evaluation of renal collecting system obstruction

Diagnosis of acute tubular necrosis

Diagnosis of renal transplant complications

Evaluation or renal or urinary tract abnormality due to recent trauma or surgery

Additional Indications for the Pediatric Population (under age 18):

Renal screening in a child with congenital heart disease


Failure to thrive

Septicemia of the newborn

Severe hemolytic anemia

Recurrent urinary tract infection

Vesicoureteral reflux

American College of Radiology. (2014). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Retrieved from

Society of Nuclear Medicine Procedure Standards.

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