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1.1.1 Apraxia (impaired ability to carry out motor activities despite intact motor function)
1.1.2 Confusion
1.1.3 Disorientation
1.1.4 Language difficulties
1.1.5 Memory loss
1.1.6 Progressive cognitive decline
1.1.7 Social disinhibition
1.2.1 Thyroid-function tests
1.2.2 Vitamin B12 level
1.2.3 Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
1.2.4 Serum electrolyte
1.2.5 Blood glucose levels, and
1.2.6 Liver-function
1.3 Nondiagnostic SPECT, MRI or CT
1.4 Planned medical intervention if AD is diagnosed
2.1. Seizures not responsive to adequate dosage of medications
2.2. Surgery is planned
2.3. MRI does not define a “seizure focus”
3.1. Pre-operative study tumor resection or radiosurgery with margins not defined on MRI or CT
3.2. Post treatment determination of viable tumor versus radiation necrosis
4. Movement disorder [One of the following]
A. Seizures not responsive to adequate dosage of medications
B. Surgery is planned
C. MRI does not define a “seizure focus”
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