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0067T CT Colonography – Added references and comments

70450 CT Head – Added references in several criteria, clarified “suspected infection or abscess”

70480 CT Orbit – Added asymmetric hearing loss to criteria

70486 CT Maxillofacial – Added definitions, references and some images for sinusitis, mucocele and polyps.

73721 MR LE Joint – Added requirement for conservative management prior to imaging for torn menisci in patients 46 or older

74150 CT Abdomen – Added indications “Complex renal cyst” and “Indeterminate renal Mass”

78111 PET – Clarified colorectal PET and Routine standards regarding tumor markers and added glossary note.

70486 CT Maxollofacial – Added reference and note

70551 MRI Brain – Added section on Lyme disease

71555 MRI Chest – Added Pain, acute “ripping, tearing, searing” chest, back or abdominal

72148 MRI L Spine – Added positive Straight Leg raising to indications under Radiculopathy

73721 MRI LE Joint – Added references and notes

74181 MRI Abdomen – Updated section on Cirrhosis added references and comment

74185 MRA Abdomen- Added Pain, acute “ripping, tearing, searing” chest, back or abdominal

78607 SPECT Brain – Added section

78608 PET Brain Metab. – Added section

78609 PET Brain Perf. – Added section

0 – Revised Introduction to include provision for expedited reviews

70486 CT Maxillofacial – Added details about cranial nerve signs and reference.

71250 CT Chest – Added weight loss as an indication, added references in several criteria

72125 CT Cervical – Spine – removed requirements for any working diagnosis if there is loss of bowel or bladder control

72128 CT Thoracic – Spine – removed requirements for any working diagnosis if there is loss of bowel or bladder control

74150 CT Abdomen – Added weightloss as an indication

74181 MRI Abdomen – Added weight loss as an indication

74181 MRI Abdomen – Added weight loss as an indication

77021 – 77022 MRI Giudane Procedures Added automatic approval

Added criteria to “altered level of consciousness”

Added criteria to “altered level of consciousness”

72141 – clarified epidural abscess criteria

72146 – clarified epidural abscess criteria

72148 – clarified epidural abscess criteria

70551 – Added references and indications for Mult. Sclerosis

72192 – Added criteria for “night sweats.”

74150 – Added criteria for “night sweats.”

78811 – Added criteria for Solitary Pulmonary Nodule; rearranged Lung criteria.

Added CPT codes for related imaging procedures

Alphabetized Criteria list

Glossary reformatted and expanded

70551 – Added criteria concerned with cranial nerves, added references to MS.

71250 – Added criteria for follow up of Ground Glass Opacities

72192 – Added criteria for Testicular Cancer

72195 – Added criteria for Testicular Cancer

Added criteria for Testicular Cancer

Added requirement for microscopic confirmation of hematuria

Added criteria for Complex Renal Cysts

AAdded criteria for Testicular Cancer

Added kidney tumors as indication

Added requirement for microscopic confirmation of hematuria

Added initial work up of thymic tumors as an indication

Revised criteia for Testicular malignancies

Added Kidney and Thymic malignancies

Minor revisions and new references for Testicular malignancies

73700 – added criteria for suspected nonunion of known feracture 8-6-09

Glossary – Added Romberg test 7/31

72192 – Added Criteria for Diverticulitis 090109

Criteria for Diverticulitis 090109

Criteria for truma 092509

77058 – added references for implant screening 100509

70496 – Added references and criteria for screening for aneurysm

Added vertebrobassilar insufficiency as an indication 110609

Deleted “cardiac irregularities” as too vague to be helpful as a risk factor for ICA.

Deleted “Risk Factors” as not useful in determining appropriateness.

Updated several references

Added criteria and reference for Coarctation 111609

Clarified language and updated references 110609

Added explanatory note to PAD 111709

Clarified PAD 111609

73706 – Added notes for ABI 111609

74175 – Clarified language and updated references 110509

Amnesia, added Suspect Stroke or TIA 121609

several criteria reworded, no substative changes 121609

“Pain” removed as a free statnding indication as too vague. 121609

70490 – several criteria reworded, no substative changes 121609

72131 – several criteria reworded, no substative changes 121609

72192 – Added criteria for aneuryms, RLQ pain, Weight loss, hematuria.

73700 – several criteria reworded, no substative changes 121609

74181 – Revised language, added references 010210

72148 – Added criteria for suspected metastasis 011110

72146 – Added criteria for suspected metastasis 011110

72141 – Added criteria for suspected metastasis 011110

75571 – Added criteria 012810

75572 – Added criteria 012810

75573 – Added criteria 012810

75574 – Added criteria 012810

72131 – Simplified criteria for Loss of bladder or bowel control

78491 – Clarified indications and added referrences 030810

74181 – Added monitoring of Crohn Disease as indication 030810

72125 – Clarified indications for brachial plexopathy 031210

73221 – Added indications for brachial plexopathy 031510

72141 – Clarified indications for brachial plexopathy

General – Updated references for several of the exams in the CT section, added introductory page and remarks.

72131 CT L Spine – Added references and clarified several criteria. 040510

Updated and added references

Updated criteria for Suspected Osteomyelitis, throughout.

Updated criteria for Suspected Radiculopathy throghout.

74181 MRI Abdomen – Required US prior to MRI for suspected biliary stone

Added Criteria for Carotid Dissection to CTA and MRA of the carotid and MRI of the brain 041610

70551 – Added references to several indications, also cleared up inconsistencies. 041610

72141 MRI C Spine – Improved consistency of criteria for osteomyelitis and epidural abscess

70450 CT Head – Added criterion for post surgery follow up. 042610

Added CT Neck and MUG to work up of Lymphoma

Updated Hepatocellualr Carcinoma

74150 CT Abdomen – Reformatted criteria for abdominal pain 050710

Corrected Plexopathy from “Brachial” to Lumboscaral, and updated references. 050710

Updated criteria for Erectile Dysfunction 051710

72131 CT Lumbar spine – Updated criteria for Erectile Dysfunction 051710

Added indications and references for Fibroids 051810

Updated other references 051810

75574 Coronary Computed Tomographic Arteriography CCTA – Added criteria to CTA and CT Chest sections. 060110

73221 MRI Upper Extremity Joint – Added references 060210

78607 Brain SPECT – Added criteria and references for the diagnosis of dementia 061010

70450 CT Head – Revised criteria for Dementia 061010

78465 Myocardial perfusion Scan – Added criteria adapted from 2009 AHA guideline updates

General added several glossary entries, and corrected formatting errors, distributed updated criteria to Web site. 062810

Added reference to VIDEOS IN CLINICAL MEDICINE Schraeder, Teresa L., Terek, Richard M., Smith, C. Christopher Clinical Evaluation of the Knee
N Engl J Med 2010 363: e5 7/22/10

Vertigo – Added criteria and references to each entry for vertigo, and made them uniform. Also revised dizziness criteria to coincide with those for vertigo recognizing that these terms are used interchagably by many clinicians, and the criteria for imaging are essentially identical. Changes made to CT, and CTA of the head, and MRI and MRA of the brain. 7/22/10

Pulmonary Embolus Suspected Reviewed criteria, added indication and risk factors, updated references. CT, CTA and MRA of the Chest 7/23/2010

CTA of COronary Arteries 75574 – Updated criteria and references. 7/29/2010

Breast Cancer, updated PET criteria and routine surveillance recommendations to conform with latest NCCN Guidelines. 8/11/10

Oncology Guidelines. Updated follow up imaging recommendations for head and neck tumors in 9/10/10

MRI of Brain Deleted superseded Dizziness criteria set from . 9/10/10

CT Abdomen Added reference 10/11/10

PET Lung Added references 10/18/10

CT Chest Reworked Nodules sections to clarify indications for multiple nodules, and added references 10/18/10

Abdominal Pain After Meals 10/20/10

Ischemic Bowel Suspected 10/20/10

Intetinal Angina 10/20/10

Carcinoma of Pancreas, added references 10/20/10

Claudication added references 10/20/10

Suspected Obstruction updated references added clinical requirements to support indication.

Abdominal Pain After Meals 10/20/10

Ischemic Bowel Suspected 10/20/10

Intetinal Angina 10/20/10

MUGA scans, added criteria set with references 10/29/10

Added criteria for Brachial Plexus Pathology (Plexopathy) 11/4/10

Added criteria and references for trauma to Brachial Plexus Pathology 11/4/10

Added reference for Aneurysm previously repaired 11/24/10

Added Criteria for Esophageal Rupture (Boerhaave’s Syndrome,) with refrences 11/23/10

Added criteria for Asthma with references 11/26/10

MR Chest Added criteria and references for trauma to Brachial Plexus Pathology 11/4/10

MR Upper extremity Joint updated criteria and references for trauma to Brachial Plexus Pathology 11/4/10

Added criteria and references for trauma to Brachial Plexus Pathology 11/4/10

Added criteria and references for Arthrography of the shoulder 11/30/10

PET Body Added size criteria for solitary pulmonary nodules

Myocardial Perfusion Imaging SPECT updated CPT code information. 11/16/10

CT Head Updated references for seizures and several other indications 11/6/10

CT Lower Extremity added criteria for CT Arthrography of knee and ankle, with references. 11/30/10

CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy) 74261 74262 74263 Updated CPT codes, and criteria 11/30/10

MRI Breast reorganized criteria for clarity and added references 12/02/10

PET of the Body added criteria for cancers not specifically addressed. 12/13/10

Added Leukocytosis as an indication 12/16/10

Added Metastasis suspected as an indication 12/16/10

CT of Abdomen and Pelvis Added criteria sets 12/16/10

Oncology Guideline Testicular Cancer Corrected the omission of guidelines for follow up of nonseminima testicular cancers 12/28/10

CT Lower Extremity Added criteria for Necrotizing Fasciitis 1/12/11

CT Upper Extremity Added criteria for Necrotizing Fasciitis 1/12/11

MRI Brain Added criteria for Trigeminal Neuralgia 1/21/11

MRI Lower Extremity other than Joint Added criteria for Necrotizing Fasciitis 1/12/11

MRI Upper Extremity Joint Added criteria for carpal Tunnel Syndrome 1/23/11

MRI Upper Extremity other than Joint Added criteria for Necrotizing Fasciitis 1/12/11

Anal Carcinoma Revised and updated section, added references 1/1/11

Bladder Cancer Revised and updated section, added references 1/1/11

Uterine Cancer Added surveillance guidelines 1/12/11

MRI Breast Updated references 2/14/11

MRI Lumbar Spine corrected omission of criteria for bilateral radiculopathy, now consistent with unilateral 2/25/11

Added criteria for post surgical evaluation 3/8/11

Updated criteria for abscess, known and suspected. 3/8/11

Clarified auto approvals for new combined exam 3/8/11

Updated criteria for abscess, known and suspected. 3/8/11

Added criteria for asymptomatic abnormal stress test 3/25/11

Added hydronephrosis on recent imaging to obstructive uropathy indications 3/8/11

Updated criteria for abscess, known and suspected. 3/8/11

Added criteria for Tumor 3/10/11

Clarified criterion for Invasive Lobular Carcinoma to initial staging, not as a routine follow up 3/29/11

Updated references 3/29/11

MRS (Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy) 76390 added instructions regarding being a non covered service for most plans 3/10/11

PET Brain for Metabolism 78608 Added to criteria for dementia to be consistent with CMS

PET Heart 78491 78492 Reviewed and clarified criteria and reference 3/17/11

CT Abdomen Added Elevated Bilirubin as a criterion 4/20/2012

CT C Spine Revised criteria for myelopathy and radiculopathy for clarity 4/20/2012

Added clinical criteria for Superior Vena Cava syndrome 4/25/2012

Added clinical criteria for Thymoma

Added criteria for Sarcoidosis 4/7/11

CT Pelvis Added note to Criteria for obstructive uropathy that CT abdomen and pelvis is preferred, 4/15/11

CTA Pelvis Added symptoms and findings as criteria for PAD 4/12/2012

Added criterion 1.1.6 Two close relatives (mother or sibling) with breast or ovarian cancer 4/6/2012

Moved criteria for Search for Primary tumor to Other category 4/6/2012

CT Chest added clarification of criteria for hoarseness 5/11/11

CT Neck added clarification of criteria for hoarseness 5/11/11

CT Thoracic Spine removed “discography” as a sufficient indication 5/12/11

Reformatted most criteria sets to improve ease of use. Completed 5/25/11

Standardized criteria for “Osteomyelitis Suspected,” and “osteomyelitis Known” through out all occurrences 5/24/11

MRI Face Orbit or Neck Added criteria for salivary gland stones and facial pain 5/23/11

MRI Lower Extremity Joint Added criteria for MR arthrography of hip, knee and ankle. 5/13/11

Complete update of Thyroid Carcinoma criteria 5/16/11

QCT Added brief criteria set 5/26/2012

1.CT Head Added Criterion to Working Diagnosis section on Aneurysm Suspected 6/23/2012

2.CTA Aorta and Runoff Added criteria set 6/8/2012

3.CTA Head Updated criteria and references for Aneurysm Suspected 6/23/2012

4.CTA Lower Extremity Added criteria to Prior Medical History category 6/22/2012

5.CTA Upper Extremity Added criteria to Prior Medical History category 6/22/2012

6.MRA Head Updated criteria and references for Aneurysm Suspected 6/23/2012

7.MRA Lower Extremity Added criteria to Prior Medical History category 6/22/2012

8.MRA Upper Extremity Added criteria to Prior Medical History category 6/22/2012

Added Criterion to Working Diagnosis section on Aneurysm Suspected 6/23/2012

Corrected a typographic error regarding Prolactin level 6/22/2012

Added criteria to complaint category 6/22/2012

Added criteria to prior imaging section 6/18/11

Standardized criteria for tendon tear 6/1/2012

11.MRI of the Lower Extremity Standardized criteria for tendon tear 6/1/2012

Added criteria to complaint category 6/22/2012

Added criteria to prior imaging section 6/18/11

Standardized criteria for tendon tear 6/1/2012

13.MRI of the Upper Extremity Joint Standardized criteria for tendon tear 6/1/2012

Modified langiuage to permit PET when there is a strong clinical suspicion of malignancy but no tissue daignosis 6/3/2012

Updated references for many tumor types 6/3/2012

15.PET of the Heart Rewrote criteria to include search for “hibernating myocardium.” 6/8/2012

Appendices Removed Section on Mucoceles. 7/5/2012

clarified that suspiciion of inguinal or femoral hernias are not indications for CT Abd 7/21/2012

Brought Breast indication into conformity with Oncology Guidelines. 7/27/2012

Added note concerning extent of neck CT exams into thorax 7/7/2012

Added requirement of laryngoscopy before CT of Neck for hoarseness 7/15/2012

Added Stroke as criterion 7/7/2012

Deleted Alternating neurologic deficits as a crtiterion 7/5/2012

Changed title to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis and added a new reference

Deleted Alternating Neurologic Deficits as a criterion

Added Pulsatile Mass to criteria for Suspected AVM 7/5/2012

Deleted Alternating neurologic deficits as a crtiterion 7/5/2012

Changed title to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis and added a new reference

Deleted Alternating Neurologic Deficits as a criterion

Added requirement that certain tests be performed prior to approval for Dementia 7/5/2012

Deleted Alternating neurologic deficits as a crtiterion 7/5/2012

Changed title to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis and added a new reference

Deleted Alternating Neurologic Deficits as a criterion

Added Criteria for Congestive Heart Failure 7/7/2012

Added note to “Aortic DIssection Suspected” that CTA or MRA were preferred, and a reference. 7/7/2012

Changed Title of criterion from “Myocardial viability Assessment ” to “Myocardial Viability Assessment for Planned Revascularization” and added sub criterion and references 7/7/2012

Removed redundant Aortic Dissection Criterion. 7/7/2012

Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Revised and updated 7/8/2012

Anal Carcinoma Revised and updated 7/8/2012

Bladder Carcinoma Revised and updated 7/8/2012

Bone Cancer added Criteria set 7/18/2012

Breast Cancer revised and updated criteria 7/22/2012

Central Nervous System Cancers Updated and added criteria and references 7/18/2012

Colon Cancer reviewed and updated 7/22/2012

Esophageal Cancer reviewed and updated 7/22/2012

Rectal Cancer reviewed and updated 7/22/2012

Stomach Cancer updated 7/22/2012

Upper GU Tract Carcinoma added Criteria set 7/8/2012

Urothelial Carcinoma of the Prostate added Criteria set 7/8/2012

Brought Breast indication into conformity with Oncology Guidelines. 7/22/2012

Added criteria for liver nodule found on other imaging 8/2/2012

Cholagiocarcinoma criteria added 8/2/2012

CML reviewed and updated 8/8/2012

Gall Bladder Cancer criteria added 8/2/2012

Head and Neck Cancers revised and updated 8/2/2012

Hepatocellular Cancer revised and updated 8/2/2012

Hodgkin / Lymphoma reference updated 8/8/2012

Kidney Cancer revised and updated 8/8/2012

Melanoma revised and updated 8/4/2012

Multiple Myeloma and Plasmacytomas updated 8/8/2012

Non-small Cell Lung Cancer NSCLC revised and updated 8/8/2012

Occult Primary Revised and updated 8/8/2012

Ovarian Cancer updated 8/8/2012

Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma updated 8/8/2012

Prostate Cancer updated 8/8/2012

Small Cell Lung Cancer SCLC added new criteria updated references 8/8/2012

Soft Tissue Sarcoma reformatted criteria added reference 8/8/2012

Testicular Cancer reviewed and updated 8/8/2012

Thymic Cancer reviewed and updated 8/8/2012

Added criteria for Tremor and Parkinson’s Disease 9/21/2012

Numerous typographic and formatting errors and inconsistencies were repaired no clinical criteria were materially changed.

CT Chest added Sarcoidosis to working diagnosis section. 10/18/2012

MRA Pelvis criteria expanded to be consistent with CTA Pelvis 10/7/11

Oncology guidelines Updated and expanded Gastric Cancer Guidelines 10/10/11

Added “with no prior cancer diagnosis” to clarify criteria for examination and follow up of nodules 11/22/2012

Added criteria for pneumonia to working diagnosis and prior medical sections 11/21/2012

Added Sputum cytology positive to section on abnormal lab results 11/21/2012

CT Head Added “Thunderlap” headache to criteria 11/18/2012

CTA Abdomen Added interval criteria for follow up of abdominal aneurysm repairs 11/18/2012

CTA Pelvis Added criteria to Significant Prior History section 11/29/2012

MRA Head Added “Thunderclap” headache to criteria 11/18/2012

MRA Pelvis Added criteria to Significant Prior History section 11/29/2012

Added “Thunderclap” headache to criteria 11/18/2012

Updated criteria for Optic neuritis, and added it to Working Diagnosis section 11/25/2012

Updated criteria for Optic neuritis, 11/25/2012

Clarified meaning of bladder wall invasion to include stages T2 and above 11/15/2012

Updated Initial work up to include CT abdomen of bladder wall is invaded 11/23/2012

CT Abdomen Removed “Renal Carcinoma” as separate entry from group 5, diagnosis is covered by “Cancer, Intra abdominal (any cell type)” 12/28/2012

CTA Abdomen and Pelvis Created criteria set for new CPT code. 12/28/2012

CTA Pelvis Clarified criteria for aneurysm and updated reference 12/21/2012

MRA Pelvis Clarified criteria for aneurysm and updated reference 12/21/2012

MRI Abdomen Added criteria for use of MRCP as a preoperative tool to exckude choledocholithiasis in cases of cholelithiasis 12/23/2012

added Carcinoid tumors 1/3/2012

added surveillance criteria for Hodkins 1/16/2012

Breast MRI Added several syndromes to indications for screening 2/13/2012

added requirements to indication “Arthritis” in the Prior History section 2/13/2012

Added requirement for negative X-rays under post trauma 2/16/2012

Changed requirement to a single prior nondiagnostc x-ray under pain 2/16/2012

Added “Family history of polycystic kidney disease” to indications for screening 2/21/2012

Altered intervals allowable for screening exams to one year or more without physician review. 2/21/2012

Confirmed microscopically (required only when hematuria is detected by dip stick test alone)

Urine is grossly (visibly) bloody

Ramesh Mazhari and Paul L Kimmel Hematuria: an algorithmic approach to finding the cause. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 2002; 69(11):870;

American College of Radiology ACR Apprpriateness Criteria Hematuria 2005 page 4 accessed 2/11/09

Confirmed microscopically (required only when hematuria is detected by dip stick test alone)

Urine is grossly (visibly) bloody

Ramesh Mazhari and Paul L Kimmel Hematuria: an algorithmic approach to finding the cause. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 2002; 69(11):870;

American College of Radiology ACR Apprpriateness Criteria Hematuria 2005 page 4 accessed 2/11/09

Confirmed microscopically (required only when hematuria is detected by dip stick test alone)

Urine is grossly (visibly) bloody

Ramesh Mazhari and Paul L Kimmel Hematuria: an algorithmic approach to finding the cause. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine 2002; 69(11):870;

American College of Radiology ACR Apprpriateness Criteria Hematuria 2005 page 4 accessed 2/11/09

Reviewed and updated Tinnitus criteria 3/29/2012

Applied dementia criteria to rule out Alzheimers 3/8/2012

Reviewed and updated Tinnitus criteria 3/29/2012

Reviewed and updated Tinnitus criteria 3/29/2012

Reviewed and updated Tinnitus criteria 3/29/2012

Added criteria under Abnormal Prior Imaging category. 4/3/2012

Added Red Flags warnings as “Important Note”

Added criteria to Pain, Suspected Perforated Bowel. Added Tenderness, Rebound, Fever, and Air Seen on imaging. 5/2/2012

Deleted Pregnancy as an indication under epigastric pain 5/3/2012

Deleted Liver abscess under RUQ pain as redundant 5/3/2012

Deleted Pneumomia as an indication 5/3/2012

Deleted Lactase Deficiency as an indication under Pain 5/18/2012

Deleted Appendicitis as an indication for CT of the Abdomen unless there is a specific reason for not also ordering CT of the Pelvis 5/18/2012

Interval Follow Up, no new symptoms, no recent similar exam in past year.

Worsening condition

Revised criteria for new and known evaluation of aortic dilatation 5/18/2012

Deleted “Prior screening exam for AAA … as inconsistent with Widening of the abdominal aorta criteria 5/18/2012

Made all references to Pulmonary Embolism Suspected uniform, no new criteria added 5/21/2012

Clarified and made uniform several sets of criteria without substantial changes in requirements 6/4/2012

Added requirement for pain or a one year follow up for Known Aneurysm 6/4/2012

Removed requirement for barium studies before MR for suspected Crohn Disease 6/15/212

Oncology guideline for surveillance go kidney cancer updated 7/30/2012

Added criteria for Ischemic Bowel to Working diagnosis sections of CT Abdomen, CT Pelvis, and CT of Abdomen and Pelvis. Updated references 9/17/2012

78466 Infarct avid Imaging 10/22/202

78453 78454 Planar Myocardial Perfusion imaging 10/22/202

75565 Cardiac Velocity Flow Mapping 10/22/202

Minor wording changes for clarification purposes

Added post neoadjuvant therapy for surgical planning purposes to indications 11/13/2012

72131 CT Lumbar Spine Corrected entry error substituting Sacral for Brachial 11/14/2012

74150 CT Abdomen Deleted redundant requirement for abdominal pain under suspected pancreatitis 11/20/2012

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